3-arch concept


You can cover all activities choosing from four models and three diff erent constructions, regardless of various foot types. Follow the simple foot analysis steps and select an insole from the four models in LOW, MID or HIGH Arch. Integrate the insole into the footwear by trimming and you’re fi nished! Individual fi tting can be off ered as an extra service that ensures customers get a fi t that is 100 % perfect. The wide range of insoles guarantees the right insole for every foot type.



The arch is incapable of cushioning, thus reducing the spring in the customers step or running motaion. Displacement of the bones involved (e.g., buckling of the ankle bone, heel bone) can cause strain on tendons and ligaments. This leads to static imbalance and pain. The LOW Arch insole helps to prevent overpronation.



The layout of the bones, tendons and ligaments refl ects the theoretical norm. The pressure below the foot is distributed over the 3 main support points: heel (20 %), big toe base joint (17 %), small toe base joint (13 %). A MID Arch insole off ers optimum pressure distribution for this
type of foot, while stabilizing and cushioning.



The long-arch is too high, thus reducing the contact surface. High medial and lateral arches are typically caused by shortening of the tendon structure or high muscle tension. These changes of the foot shape cause friction and pressure points when wearing shoes. A stressed tendon structure is oft en found throughout the body in this case. A HIGH Arch insole ensures comfortable, even pressure distribution for this foot type.